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Sacramento’s Public Health Leaders Join Forces for the U.S. Surgeon General’s Call to Action for Walkability and Walkable Communities

A region-wide coalition of public health organizations launched a collaborative effort today in response to the U.S. Surgeon General’s September 9, 2015 Call to Action for Walkability and Walkable Communities, titled “Step It Up.” This kickoff was held at 11:30am in conjunction with Kaiser Permanente’s weekly “Walk to Thrive” public walking event sponsored by the

Sacramento’s Public Health Leaders Join Forces for the U.S. Surgeon General’s Call to Action for Walkability and Walkable Communities Read More »

WALKSacramento Kicks off “Walktober”

Communities across the Sacramento region participated in International Walk to School Day and kicked off “Walktober” on October 7, encouraging everyone to make walking a priority during the month of October. Students, parents, teachers, and community members representing over 60 schools in Sacramento, El Dorado, Placer, and Yolo counties organized encouragement events to spread the

WALKSacramento Kicks off “Walktober” Read More »

WALKSacramento Kicks off “Walktober” with Walk to School Day

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WALKSacramento Kicks off “Walktober” with Walk to School Day Read More »