Molly Wagner

Our Commitment to Confronting Racism in Policy, Systems, and Environmental Work

Our hearts mourn for the unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Stephon Clark, and countless other Black Americans at the hands of police. This is a pattern that must end. At WALKSacramento, our mission is to improve quality of life and health equity through community-centered policy and systems change in land use, […]

Our Commitment to Confronting Racism in Policy, Systems, and Environmental Work Read More »

Family Fun Ways to Stay Active While Practicing Safe Social Distancing.

As we enter a multi-week social distancing practice, we are excited to see so many families walking, biking, scooting, skateboarding as a way to stay active and stay connected. We have created a few resources and gathered a few more from partners around the web to keep those walks interesting and fun. Scavenger Hunts We

Family Fun Ways to Stay Active While Practicing Safe Social Distancing. Read More »

How the WALKSacramento Team is Adapting to COVID-19

Like so many small businesses and nonprofits, everything we do relies on social interaction. Meaningful conversations on how community design supports or hinders quality of life relies on in-person events such as Bike to School Day, pop-up community events, and face-to-face brainstorming meetings with residents, partners, and stakeholders. So, what happens when valuable in-person interaction

How the WALKSacramento Team is Adapting to COVID-19 Read More »

Own Our Hurt: A Reflection on the Spread and Scale Convening Hosted by the East Salinas Building Healthy Communities

As I looked at the sun rising over the mountain tops and the water glistening as the sun started to shine its rays upon its shores, it began to creating a sense of calmness and belonging that energized my soul; as a cool breeze blow all around me. This was how each day started for

Own Our Hurt: A Reflection on the Spread and Scale Convening Hosted by the East Salinas Building Healthy Communities Read More »