Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) is seeking public input from local residents to create a draft Metropolitan Transportation Plan / Sustainable Communities Strategy (MTP/SCS). The MTP/SCS is a long-range regional plan for transportation projects including bikeway, road, sidewalk, and transit projects.
SACOG is holding three more public workshops in an open house format to allow residents to give input about the travel choices they would like to have, while providing them with information on how our region’s transportation plan is funded.
Upcoming workshops:
Sacramento County
Saturday, October 11
10am-1pm and 4-8pm
MARRS Building
Midtown Farmers Market & 2nd Saturday
20th and J Streets, Sacramento
Placer County
Thursday, October 23
Rocklin Food Truck Mania
Johnson Springview Park
5480 Fifth Street, Rocklin
El Dorado County
Wednesday, November 5
County Fair Board Room
100 Placerville Drive, Placerville
For more information, call (916) 326-9000 or email SACOG staff at workshops@sacog.org.