Dear community members and partners,
WALKSacramento invites all of you to a Pedestrian Safety Community Forum on Wednesday, May 8, 6 – 7:30 pm to discuss critical next steps for improving the Fruitridge/Stockton area’s pedestrian safety. The forum will be held in the good offices of the Stockton Blvd Partnership at 5625 Stockton Blvd (on the southeast corner of the Fruitridge/Stockton intersection).
On the agenda:
1. Traffic Signal at Fruitridge Road at 58th Street.
We will discuss making a request to the City Council to provide a traffic signal at the intersection. The tragic loss there last year shows more is needed. Community review of the traffic shows that a controlled signal is the best solution. We will review a video made by an energetic student describing the issue that we wish to present to the Council, and organize community members for next steps.
2. Input on the City’s Transportation Programming Guide.
Where do we need new crosswalks, stop signs, speed bumps and other? The City is seeking information on where to invest. We will gather it to submit to them. Got bicycle concerns? We’ll take those too.
The Sacramento Tree Foundation has developed a plan for new trees on Fruitridge Road and Stockton Blvd and we need your help to implement it. Trees create shade, comfort and a more attractive path for walking. Come find out more and how you can help.
Festivities start at 6 pm and pizza will be provided to all. Please let us know if you are attending so we can plan accordingly. And please let me know if you have any questions!!
Bring a friend!!