Summer is quickly coming to an end, which means that hundreds of children in the Sacramento region will be walking and biking to and from school. WALKSacramento and the Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) want to remind everyone that “It’s Up to All of Us” to keep walkers, bicyclists, drivers, and other users safe on Sacramento’s roadways this fall.

In the spring of 2013, the SCUSD closed seven schools, which reassigned over 2,200 students to other schools in the district. This summer, WALKSacramento and SCUSD have been working together on a California Department of Public Health campaign called “It’s Up to All of Us” to address the transportation impacts of the school closures. The campaign goal is to reduce pedestrian injuries and fatalities through targeted messages to remind drivers, pedestrians, and communities to practice responsible behavior and to be alert on California’s roadways.
To help make walking safer for students assigned to a new school, WALKSacramento is:
- creating suggested walking routes maps with walking and driving safety tips,
- providing pedestrian safety assemblies for students, and
- working with affected school neighborhood and community groups to disseminate the safety messages through posters and social media posts.
Through impactful messaging and education, WALKSacramento is striving to improve safety for walkers, bicyclists, and drivers in our region.