Oak Park Active Transportation Study
Project Background
In 2016, the Oak Park Neighborhood Association partnered with WALKSacramento to identify opportunities to improve conditions for people walking and biking in Oak Park. While the project was intended to analyze transportation barriers, a major focus of the effort was to engage residents to better understand the transportation planning process and empower residents to identify solutions in their own community. Developed through a series of iterative walk audits, community events, and workshops, the Oak Park Active Travel Study made several suggestions for enhancing safety and mobility along Broadway. In late 2017, the City of Sacramento received funding to analyze these recommendations and develop a comprehensive streetscape master plan for Broadway between Alhambra Boulevard and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. This collaborative effort is being called, “Envision Broadway.”
Project Role
Project Partners
Oak Park Neighborhood Association
Project Timeline
April 2016 – August 2017