Safe Routes to School: South Sacramento
Project Background
WALKSacramento received a three-year grant from The California Endowment to implement Safe Routes to School programs at schools within the South Sacramento Building Healthy Communities area from 2017 through 2020. Following this three-year program, we received another grant from The California Endowment to further engage parents and youth at South Sacramento schools around health in the built environment.
The focus of the program is to improve student health and well-being, engage students and families around active transportation issues, and spur policy and systems change that supports healthy communities. Ten schools, including two middle schools and two high schools, participated in comprehensive programming that included traffic safety education, encouragement events, and identification of infrastructure needs and opportunities.
Project Role
SRTS Program Implementer
Project Partners
The California Endowment, South Sacramento BHC, SCUSD Be Here!
Project Timeline
Spring 2017 – Summer 2021
2019 by the numbers

Children and parents shouldn’t have to worry about safely getting to school.
School Resources

Elder Creek Elementary School
In Spring 2020, Elder Creek Implemented new Pick-up and Drop-off Guidelines and held a monthly Walking School Bus with over 80 student participants.

Ethel I. Baker Elementary School
The Baker Bears had a strong walking school bus program but wanted to do more to promote safe walking and biking in their neighborhood.

Nicholas Elementary School
Nicholas Elementary launched the SRTS program to address safety concerns and start a walking school bus program.

Oak Ridge Elementary School
Oak Ridge Staff prioritized the safety of student travel through regular walk to school days, community awareness, and more.

Pacific Elementary School
Pacific Elementary School launched Safe Routes to School programming during the 2016/2017 school year out of community concern for student safety.

Peter Burnett Elementary School
Pacific Elementary School launched Safe Routes to School programming during the 2016/2017 school year out of community concern for student safety.

Fern Bacon Middle School
Fern Bacon Middle School launched Safe Routes to School programming during the 2016/2017 school to advocate for improved active transportation infrastructure.

Will C. Wood Middle School
Throughout the 2018/19 school year, WALKSacramento worked with students to identify critical connections to WCW from Morrison Creek.
Trainings and Events

City Year Walking School Bus Training
WALKSacramento led a training with City Year staff on ways to start a walking school bus program in coordination with schools as a way to tackle chronic absenteeism.

Youth Climate Summit
The Youth Climate Summit will feature a full-day of programming that brings together SCUSD teachers and students who are committed to addressing climate change. WALKSacramento as asked to present at the summit.