Vision Zero Update

“Vision Zero” is a campaign to reduce the number of pedestrian deaths to ZERO.  It involves a culture change to reclaim streets for people rather than cars, and relies on significant collaboration across agencies, organizations, and community residents to work towards improving street safety.  WALKSacramento is launching the Vision Zero initiative in the Building Healthy Communities (BHC) neighborhood of South Sacramento to improve street safety for all road users.

 WALKSacramento encourages the community to advocate for safer streets for all users.  We’re focusing on the most vulnerable road users, particularly pedestrians.


  1. Decrease the number of pedestrian collisions in South Sacramento.
  2. Improve the conditions and safety of streets for all users.
  3. Increase awareness by drivers and pedestrians on safe travel on South Sacramento streets.
  4. Create a model program for a Vision Zero initiative to be proposed to the City of Sacramento.

Vision Zero has been a successful approach to traffic safety across the globe.  The initiative began in Sweden, and has proven successful in cities such as New York and San Francisco. Our project is the first of its kind in Sacramento, and we are following the models used by other cities which rely on an active group of stakeholders and supporters.

This Vision Zero project will focus on improving infrastructure, education and enforcement in both the City and County portions of South Sacramento. We are building off of established relationships with the community in a traditionally under resourced area.  The focus of the project is the “Building Healthy Communities” (BHC) neighborhood of South Sacramento.  We are grateful to receive funding from The California Endowment to support the empowerment of individuals that live and work in this area, and will work with supporters and stakeholders to improve daily travel.

 Vision Zero Kick-Off Meeting

On January 14, 2015, South Sacramento residents, County planning staff, local advocates, and partners met to discuss the Vision Zero campaign.  The first goal was for the meeting participants to develop an understanding of “Vision Zero” principles and successes.  The second goal was to brainstorm pedestrian safety needs and possible steps for a Vision Zero Action Plan.  WALKSacramento staff is compiling the comments from the kick-off meeting to inform the Vision Zero Action Plan, to be released in March 2015.  Meeting notes are available to read here.

Emily Alice Gerhart presents about Vision Zero goals at the Kick-Off Meeting on January 14, 2015.
Participants highlight priority locations for future attention.

Two New Police Bicycles to Patrol Stockton Boulevard

Due to an exemplary collaboration between the Stockton Boulevard Partnership and Business Improvement District and the City of Sacramento Police Department, Stockton Boulevard now has two additional police bicycle units for patrol along the corridor.  This is a great way to increase the number of eyes on the street to reduce crime – utilizing active transportation no less!

Want to get involved?

WALKSacramento is organizing a steering committee to champion efforts in South Sacramento.  If you would like to be a member of the steering committee to give your input as a resident, advocate, or professional, please reach out to Emily Alice Gerhart, Vision Zero Project Coordinator, at

We are also organizing a coalition of family members of friends of victims of pedestrian collisions called “Families for Safe Streets.”  We want to show that a life lost to traffic violence is more than just a number.  If you would like to stand with others who have shared experiences, contact

Be sure to check out our website for Vision Zero updates!