Vote for Mrs. Fred at Pacific Elementary for America’s Favorite Crossing Guard!

This month, crossing guards across the nation are in the running to be named America’s Favorite Crossing Guard. The annual competition organized by Safe Kids Worldwide works to recognize those dedicated to helping students get to and from school safely.

WALKSacramento is currently overseeing Safe Routes to School Programming at Pacific Elementary where we worked with our Safe Kids Greater Sacramento to submit Mrs. Fred’s nomination to the national competition.

“Mrs. Juanita Fred is our phenomenal crossing guard who is an integral part of our Pacific Elementary Community. Mrs. Fred not only serves as our Crossing Guard but as yard duty and our PTA President. Every day Mrs. Fred leads a “Walking Bus” from across a “Cat Walk”, a walking overpass across a freeway, Highway 99, before and after school. This area is filled with illegal activity, and transiency. In the middle of the bridge, Mrs. Fred and students wave to drivers below to honk as a sign of unity. Mrs. Fred is a longtime member of our school Safety Committee and School Site Council. Mrs. Fred encourages other parents to become involved in these vital committees.” – Principal Tara Lampkins

Recognizing and empowering our community and school champions who seek to encourage a culture of walking and biking to and from school is a key component to the success of WALKSacramento’s Safe Routes to School Programs. For the Fred family, student safety is a family affair, as her husband, children, and grandchildren all assist with the walking school bus, pick-up and drop-off traffic, and pedestrian and bike safety.

You can vote for Mrs. Juanita Fred once a day through January 31, 2018 at The top 5 crossing guards will be reviewed by a judging panel who will determine the winner. The winning school will receive a $500 grant plus prizes for the crossing guard.