In honor of April is Earth Month, K-12 students are invited to share how human-powered transportation such as walking, biking, or rolling can support a healthy environment. Students may enter a poster or video response based on one of three themes.
K-12 students attending any school within the City of West Sacramento
Poster and Video Prizes:
Grand Prize: Camelbak Hydration Pack + U-Lock + Multitool
K-5th Grade 1st Place Poster and 1st Place Video: Camelbak Hydration Pack
6th – 8th Grade 1st Place Poster and 1st Place Video: Camelbak Hydration Pack
9th – 12th Grade 1st Place Poster and 1st Place Video: Camelbak Hydration Pack
Judging criteria:
- Creativity and originality
- Clarity of art’s message
- Inclusivity and diversity
How to Enter:
Step 1: Choose from one of the following themes to create a poster or video.
- Be a green transportation hero! Show us how you can save the planet by walking, biking, or rolling
- Maintenance check! Share your best tips for keeping your bike, skateboard, scooter, or other wheels in tip-top shape.
- Green your commute! Show us how you can walk, biking, or roll to your favorite destinations instead of using a car.
Step 2: Create your poster or video:
Poster Requirements:
- Posters must be hand-drawn on 8.5 x 11 in size paper.
- Drawings are to be completed by students, not parents or professionals.
- Submit a high-quality photo or scanned copy of your poster in .JPG or .PNG format to mwagner@walksacramento.org
Video Requirements:
- Videos can be up to 3 minutes long.
- Students can create a video with any video/camera software, including TikTok!
- Videos are to be completed by students, not parents or professionals.
- Optional: Post your video on social media and tag us using @walksacramento and #srtswestsac.
Submit your poster or video through this Google Form: http://bit.ly/walknrollearthart by April 30, 2021!
Questions? Email Molly, mwagner@walksacramento.org
- Students must attend any school, public, private, or charter, located in the City of West Sacramento. Only one entry per student.
- The poster and the video submission deadline is April 30, 2021. Submissions will be judged by WALKSacramento staff.
- The winners will be notified by May 15, 2021.
- Three first-place winners (K-5th Grade, 6th-8th Grade, and 9-12th Grade) will be chosen for the poster contest, and three first-place winners (K-5th Grade, 6th-8th Grade, and 9-12th Grade) will be chosen for the video contest. One grand prize winner will be chosen.
- All submissions may be used in future promotional materials, including on www.walksacramento.org, when appropriate. WALKsacramento staff will ask for contestant permission before displaying videos online.
- This contest is sponsored and managed by WALKSacramento and is part of the Safe Routes to School Programming for schools in West Sacramento. For organizational information, visit www.walksacramento.org.